Learning and Development Officer
Hello and welcome, my name is Leigh and I am the creator of the Easy Manual Handling website. I have been in a Learning and Development role as a Manual Handling trainer for 10 years and have always felt passionate about the difference this can make to the health and well-being of people whilst also keeping people safe.
I came up with the idea of creating a resource that would be easy to use, but also users would be able to access the resource when they wanted to/needed to. This is an additional but personal way of supporting vulnerable people in our community, as well as their families, professional care staff and others who may support an individual.
I believe that supporting people is at the heart of why I do my job, and by enabling individuals in Perth and Kinross to be at the heart of the design process of the Easy Manual Handling website has been instrumental in its creation.
I continue to work within Learning and Development, however, I have handed the "reins" over to Tanya Aitchison who is an experienced and skilled member of the team who supports and delivers the practical learning sessions.
Come see why Easy Manual Handling may be the smallest, yet most impactful, thing you do for yourself and the people you care for.