Arjo Slings

ArjoHuntleigh's Clip Slings are designed for use with a four- point Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) spreader bars, which provide a more comfortable reclined position in the sling and a more even distribution of the cared person's weight.

The  DPD system allows the carer to position the person being cared for in the sling - from upright to recline - with the minimum physical effort.  

A range of different client slings are available, in a wide variety of sizes which people will be measured for at the initial assessment. 

Once a sling has been identified to support the person's needs this will enable a secure, safe, comfortable and dignified transfer as well as achieving safe and efficient working environment for the carer.  

The general purpose clip sling with padded legs for extra comfort is the most commonly used sling in a range of everyday persons handling transfers, such as a bed and chair transfers.  A padded solution is the best for people who would benefit from a little extra comfort and the padding improves comfort in the sling's leg areas. 

The general purpose clip slings are made of a soft and durable polyester fabric for maximum persons and ease of use for the carer.

All slings should be checked prior to use and if there is any visible damaged or changes then please contact the relevant person.


Do's and Don'ts

  • Check that the sling has been inspected in the last six months and the comfort label is visible
  • Check sling is in good condition and there are no rips or tears
  • Ensure the sling is compatible with the piece of equipment
  • Follow the instructions in the handling place and ensure it is current and relevant
  • Follow instruction for laundering
  • Do not use if not the correct size
  • If sling is not compatible with equipment
  • Appears damaged or material is frayed
  • Do not use fabric softner when laundering slings
  • The manual handling plan is not up to date or available

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