Chair Techniques Using Hands on Approach

Standing from a chair with a hands on approach of one or two carers 

Diagonal arm and hand on hip guidance:

  • Follow instructions from the guidance notes if required
  • This technique can be done with one or two carers (please risk assess)
  • Always ask the person if they are happy for you to place your hands on them
  • Position yourself at the side of the person
  • Lower yourself down and gently place one hand on their shoulder and your other arm gently across their back in a diagonal position with the palm of hand on their hip
  • Remember to go in the same direction as the person who is going to stand
  • You can use verbal guidance at this point such as "stand" "123" or ask what instructions are familiar to the person


Do's and Don'ts

  • Do ask the individual if they are comfortable with your palm/hands on their shoulder and hip
  • Encourage the individual to move into position independently
  • Ensure your hands are in the appropriate position for this technique 'shoulder and hip'
  • Do not place your hands on the individual without firstly asking them
  • Do not pull or grab the individuals body or clothing to support them to stand
  • Do not physically support the individual using this technique it could lead to injury

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